Our Story
Sending Hope Ohio was created around the Templin Family dinner table in the fall of 2020. Suddenly finding themselves in a pandemic, separated from friends and loved ones, and facing the holiday season alone, it would have been very easy to focus on the negatives of the year. Instead, they decided to focus outward, by giving their four children an opportunity to make the world a better place. Thus, Sending Hope Ohio was born.
We believe everyone, no matter their place in life, has the ability to change the world. We all have something unique and special to give to others: our time, creativity, friendship, our empathy and understanding, a shared meal or a hand-drawn picture in crayon by little hands.
Since the very beginning, the four Templin children have been the driving force of Sending Hope. What started with homemade cookies and cards to far away family members and delivery drivers in a pandemic, turned into inviting hundreds of friends and growing into a group reaching countless others. Every project has been inspired and contributed to by them with the message that YOU have value and bring HOPE to the world.
We believe everyone, no matter their place in life, has the ability to change the world. We all have something unique and special to give to others: our time, creativity, friendship, our empathy and understanding, a shared meal or a hand-drawn picture in crayon by little hands.
Since the very beginning, the four Templin children have been the driving force of Sending Hope. What started with homemade cookies and cards to far away family members and delivery drivers in a pandemic, turned into inviting hundreds of friends and growing into a group reaching countless others. Every project has been inspired and contributed to by them with the message that YOU have value and bring HOPE to the world.
All of us bring beauty to the world.
Thank you for joining us in SENDING HOPE.
Thank you for joining us in SENDING HOPE.
Our Team